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  1. Beth
    June 10, 2013 @ 4:17 pm

    I realize this is an old entry, but I found it doing a search for crocs in Mexico after a friend told me about kayaking to a beach that looked lovely, where she and her boyfriend bodysurfed and otherwise played in the waves. Fishermen were yelling and waving but she didn’t know why. When they returned the kayaks, folks said Oh, yeah, that’s Crocodile Beach. But didn’t bother to tell them about it beforehand.

    Thanks for the great read. I love it when I learn something!


    • ero213
      June 12, 2013 @ 12:55 am

      Yikes! I get the impression these Mexican crocs have plenty to eat, as they don’t seem to be too interested in people. Thanks for your comment.



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